Check Deployment

One of the awesome features of this role (if I do say so myself) is the deployment of Sensu checks on a dynamic basis. Deployment of which checks should be distributed to which nodes is determined from group membership within the Ansible inventory.

Have a group of webservers you need to monitor webservices on? Well, I'm sure you've bunched them together in your inventory under the [webservers] group, right? Or perhaps you only want to monitor disk space on your production systems; if they're a member of [production] within the inventory, you can do this easily.

How it works

Much like the dynamic datastore, I have also defined a static data store within my Ansible codebase, by setting the variable static_data_store. By default it's set to the playbook directory, but it can be changed to any location. Within this static datastore resides the following directory structure:

$ tree data/static
`-- sensu
    |-- checks
    |-- definitions
    |-- handlers
    `-- mutators

With all the checks (check commands) and definitions (JSON check files) dropped in, the static data store might look something like this:

$ tree data/static
`-- sensu
    |-- checks
    |   |-- mysql
    |   |   `--
    |   |-- sensu_rabbitmq_servers
    |   |   `--
    |   |-- sensu_redis_servers
    |   |   `--
    |   |-- webservers
    |   |   `--
    |   `-- zones
    |       |-- check_cpu.rb
    |       |-- check_disk.rb
    |       `-- check_mem.rb
    |-- definitions
    |   |-- check_nginx.json.j2
    |   |-- check_rabbitmq.json.j2
    |   |-- check_redis.json.j2
    |   |-- pushover.json.j2
    |   |-- pushover_handler.json.j2
    |   |-- smartos_check_cpu.json.j2
    |   |-- smartos_check_disk.json.j2
    |   `-- smartos_check_mem.json.j2
    |-- client_definitions
    |   |-- sensu_rabbitmq_servers
    |   |   `-- check_users.json
    |   `-- webservers
    |       `-- check_uptime.json
    |-- client_templates
    |   |-- mysql
    |   |   `-- check_users.json.j2
    |   `-- webservers
    |       `-- check_uptime.json.j2
    |-- handlers
    |   `-- pushover.rb
    `-- mutators

As you can see, in the sensu/checks directory, there are the mysql, sensu_rabbitmq_servers, sensu_redis_servers, webservers & zones subdirectories. If you've had a peruse through some of the other documentation here, you'll know that these groups are defined within my Ansible inventory:







Under these subdirectories, you can see checks that relate to the directory they're placed in. For example, our webservers subdirectory includes a script, whilst the sensu_rabbitmq_servers subdirectory has one that most likely checks for RabbitMQ problems (it does... trust me).

So how do these checks actually get deployed to their associated nodes? With this pair of plays, in the tasks/plugins.yml playbook:

  - name: Register available checks
    local_action: command ls {{ static_data_store }}/sensu/checks
    register: sensu_available_checks
    changed_when: false

  - name: Deploy check plugins
      src: "{{ static_data_store }}/sensu/checks/{{ item }}/"
      dest: "{{ sensu_config_path }}/plugins/"
      mode: 0755
      owner: "{{ sensu_user_name }}"
      group: "{{ sensu_group_name }}"
    when: "'{{ item }}' in sensu_available_checks.stdout_lines"
    loop: "{{ group_names|flatten }}"
    notify: restart sensu-client service

This will register a list of available checks, then deploy them to their intended groups based on node membership, as set within the Ansible inventory.

And, because nodes can of course be members of more than just one group, checks will be deployed in full to nodes that belong to several groups!

Additionally, standalone checks and subscription cheecks (if your client is in safe_mode), can be distributed to hosts based on group membership. These definitions are located in the client_definitions folder. These will be deployed to the configuration directory of the clients.

These are deployed with the following pair of plays, also in the tasks/plugins.yml playbook:

- name: Register available client definitions
  command: "ls {{ static_data_store }}/sensu/client_definitions"
  delegate_to: localhost
  register: sensu_available_client_definitions
  changed_when: false
  become: false
  run_once: true

- name: Deploy client definitions
    src: "{{ static_data_store }}/sensu/client_definitions/{{ item }}/"
    dest: "{{ sensu_config_path }}/conf.d/{{ item | basename | regex_replace('.j2', '') }}"
    owner: "{{ sensu_user_name }}"
    group: "{{ sensu_group_name }}"
    - sensu_available_client_definitions is defined
    - sensu_available_client_definitions is not skipped
    - item in sensu_available_client_definitions.stdout_lines
  loop: "{{ group_names|flatten }}"
  notify: restart sensu-client service

If you are using templates for your, standalone checks and subscription cheecks can be distributed from the client_templates folder. These will be deployed to the configuration directory of the clients. Note if you have a matching folder/file name in the client_definitions they will be overwritten by the template.

These are deployed with the following set of plays, also in the tasks/plugins.yml playbook:

- name: Register available client templates
  command: "ls {{ static_data_store }}/sensu/client_templates"
  delegate_to: localhost
  register: sensu_available_client_templates
  changed_when: false
  become: false
  run_once: true

- name: Deploy client template folders
    path: '{{ sensu_config_path }}/conf.d/{{ item | basename }}'
    state: directory
    owner: "{{ sensu_user_name }}"
    group: "{{ sensu_group_name }}"
    - sensu_available_client_templates is defined
    - sensu_available_client_templates is not skipped
    - item in sensu_available_client_templates.stdout_lines
  loop: "{{ group_names|flatten }}"
  notify: restart sensu-client service

- name: Deploy client templates
    src: "{{ static_data_store }}/sensu/client_templates/{{ item.path | dirname }}/{{ item.path | basename }}"
    dest: "{{ sensu_config_path }}/conf.d/{{ item.path | dirname }}/{{ item.path | basename | regex_replace('.j2', '') }}"
    owner: "{{ sensu_user_name }}"
    group: "{{ sensu_group_name }}"
  with_filetree: "{{ static_data_store }}/sensu/client_templates"
    - item.state == 'file'
    - item.path | dirname in group_names
  notify: restart sensu-client service

Picking up changes on the fly

Let's say, for some reason, one of your nodes decides to switch roles, or take on the responsibility of another role. You've got a webserver, who all of a sudden you decide "this guy should be running redis too". No problem! You probably had something like:


In your Ansible inventory, after this spontaneous decision to have your webserver also act as a key-value store, you may change it to the following:



Not to worry, the next time your playbook applying this Sensu role runs through (notably the tasks/client.yml & tasks/plugins.yml playbooks), the new checks for redis will be deployed to and it'll be subscribed to the sensu_redis_servers stream within Sensu. Pretty slick, right?

The same goes for the removal of a node from a group. Did you just realize you really don't want to act as a redis server? It's cool, we all make mistakes, just take him out of the [sensu_redis_servers] group in your inventory. When your play comes through again, applying this Sensu role, the client will be removed from sensu_redis_servers subscriptions. The file will still exist on the host, you will have to remove the check manually by following the delete a check guide.