A few words from the author

Well, thanks for bothering to even visit this page!

This role was born out of my own passion for the absolutely excellent projects that it uses. I figure I have to list them, in no particular order, here they are. Make sure to check them all out!

What about support for other operating systems?

At this time, the role supports a plethora of operating systems. If there's another one you'd like to see support for, please file an issue!

About updates

This is a personal project of mine that I work on in my own free time. Most of the real "meat" is there, I just need to restructure and implement conditional includes based on facts.

That said, I'm a busy man! So please, bear with me. I'll happily accept any contributions, both in additions to the code, and any bug reports :)

If you like it

Share it! Get it out there; link it all over the place! It's not just about awesome deployment, it's about exposing people to excellent open source software!