Deployment of Handlers, Filters, and Mutators

Note: If you haven't familiarized yourself with the concept of the static data store please read'Dynamic check deployment'

Deployment of handlers, filters, and mutators is handled by leveraging templates and other data placed in the static data store.

Static data store hierarchy with respect to handlers/filters/mutators

To deploy your handlers, filters, and mutators, you'll need to have directories named after each under a directory called 'sensu' in your static data store:

$ tree data/static
`-- sensu
    |-- definitions
    |   |-- check_nginx.json.j2
    |   |-- check_rabbitmq.json.j2
    |   |-- check_redis.json.j2
    |   |-- pushover.json.j2
    |   |-- pushover_handler.json.j2
    |   |-- smartos_check_cpu.json.j2
    |   |-- smartos_check_disk.json.j2
    |   `-- smartos_check_mem.json.j2
    |-- handlers
    |   `-- pushover.rb
    |-- filters
    `-- mutators

How handlers, filters, and mutators are deployed

All three are deployed using Ansible's template module. This allows the use of variables within your configurations, which can come in quite handy!

Let's take a look at the stuff I've got for Pushover. First off, the handler json file pushover_handler.json.j2:

  "handlers": {
    "pushover": {
      "type": "pipe",
      "command": "{{ sensu_config_path }}/plugins/handler-pushover.rb",
      "timeout": 10,
      "severites": ["critical"]

This is a simple handler definition, registering the pushover handler, and its properties, so that it can be used for any checks that trigger it.

This particular handler needs a configuration file, pushover.json.j2:

        "pushover": {
                "userkey": "{{ sensu_pushover_userkey }}",
                "token": "{{ sensu_pushover_token }}"

As mentioned above, you can see here how the use of variables within these definitions can come in useful. To use this, I have sensu_pushover_userkey & sensu_pushover_token defined in the host_var file of my Sensu "master" node.

Not all handler's require a config file like this, but I figured I'd use this example to show how useful the templates can be.

Finally, we have the actual handler script handler-pushover.rb, which resides in the handlers directory.

These are all deployed when the role runs through the tasks/plugins.yml playbook, in particular these plays:

  - name: Deploy handler plugins
      src: "{{ static_data_store }}/sensu/handlers/"
      dest: "{{ sensu_config_path }}/plugins/"
      mode: 0755
      owner: "{{ sensu_user_name }}"
      group: "{{ sensu_group_name }}"
    notify: restart sensu-client service

  - name: Deploy filter plugins
      src: "{{ static_data_store }}/sensu/filters/"
      dest: "{{ sensu_config_path }}/plugins/"
      mode: 0755
      owner: "{{ sensu_user_name }}"
      group: "{{ sensu_group_name }}"
    notify: restart sensu-client service

  - name: Deploy mutator plugins
      src: "{{ static_data_store }}/sensu/mutators/"
      dest: "{{ sensu_config_path }}/plugins/"
      mode: 0755
      owner: "{{ sensu_user_name }}"
      group: "{{ sensu_group_name }}"
    notify: restart sensu-client service

  - name: Deploy check/handler/filter/mutator definitions to the master
      src: "{{ static_data_store }}/sensu/definitions/{{ item }}.j2"
      dest: "{{ sensu_config_path }}/conf.d/{{ item }}"
      owner: "{{ sensu_user_name }}"
      group: "{{ sensu_group_name }}"
    when: sensu_master
      - ls {{ static_data_store }}/sensu/definitions | sed 's/\.j2//'
    notify: restart sensu-api service

Quite straight forward and repetitive. If you skim this code, it may become clear that failures could be introduced if the source directories don't exist within your static data store. That's correct. You may have noticed that the example output tree shows both the filters & mutators directories are empty. It's expected that such features will be used, but if you don't wish to use filters or mutators, you still need to ensure these directories exist.